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Sims 2 Nightlife

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LeVeL 2

LeVeL 2
Yaş : 29 Kayıt tarihi : 19/10/08 Mesaj Sayısı : 240
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Sims 2 Nightlife Vide
MesajKonu: Sims 2 Nightlife Sims 2 Nightlife I_icon_minitimeÇarş. Ekim 22, 2008 3:45 pm

Simsin yeni eklenti pakedi için hileler...
istek gelirse önemli olnaları Türkçeye de çeviririm....

AgeSimsCheat [on|off] AgeSimsCheat
aging [on|off] - Turns aging on or off
aspirationLevel [0-5] Sets the aspiration level of the selected sim.
aspirationPoints [num] give the selected sim some extra aspiration
reward points.
autoPatch [-on|-off] enable or disable checking for available
patches via content browser
bloom [R G B X] Changes color of screen visual. RGB is color
[0,1], and X is the bloom amount [0,1].
Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
changeLotZoning [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety]
changes the zoning type of the lot.
deleteAllCharacters This cheat will delete all characters in the current
neighborhood; it also only works when in the
exit Close/Hide the cheat console window (Escape works also)
expand Expands or contracts the output portion of the cheat
console. The Tilde key, ~ , has the same effect.
faceBlendLimits [-on|-off] turns on / off facial blending limits
familyFunds Use 'familyFunds [familyName][value]' to set the
amount of funds.
Use 'familyFunds [familyName] [+/-][value]' to
add/subtract from current funds.
filmGrain [X] X is the film grain value [0,1].
Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
help [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output.
h [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output.
letterBox [X] letterbox the screen (add black borders on top and
bottom). X is the letterbox value [0,0.4].
Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
lockAspiration [on/off]: Locks/Unlocks the aspiration score of sims
on the lot.
maxMotives Sets all the motives to maximum for all sims on the lot
motiveDecay [on/off]: Turns motive decay on/off for all sims on the
moveObjects [on|off] Allows user to move objects that are normally
roofSlopeAngle [15 - 75] Slope Angle in Degrees (45 is default)
setHighestAllowedLevel [level] Sets the highest allowed level
setLotLightingFile [filename.txt] or [clear] override some of the
parameters present in the lighting.txt file with
filename.txt file present in lights folder, clear
clears if any file is present
showHeadlines [on|off] - Shows/Hides all thought bubbles, speech
ballons etc
slowMotion [0-8] slows the animation timer (0=normal speed)
stretchSkeleton [factor] stretches skeleton of the selected Sim -
factor=1.0 indicates no stretch (factor<1.0 makes
shorter, factor>1.0 makes taller.
terrainType Changes terrain type (Temperate/Desert/Dirt/Concrete).
Assume Syntax is: terrainType TYPE
Example: terrainType Concrete
unlockCareerRewards Unlocks all career reward objects for the selected sim.
vignette [centerX centerY X] Blur rendering from specified
center (upper left is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). X is
the amoung of blurring [0,1].
Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.
vsync [on|off] Enables/disables vertical sync - can improve
performance, but will sometimes cause visual artifacts
if off
kaChing Increase family funds by $1,000
motherLode Increase family funds by $50,000
clear Clear the console window
hide Close/Hide the cheat console window (Escape works also)
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Sims 2 Nightlife

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